How to get the most out of a walk at lunch

Mans health
How to get the most out of a walk at lunchWhether you are at work or at home, instead of going to the dining room or moving to the home kitchen, take a walk during your lunch. In just 30 minutes of walking, you can cover 2-4 kilometers, burn up to 200 calories, depending on how fast you are walking and in what shape you are. You can cheer yourself up for the rest of the day, and you'll still have time to eat.Healthcare institutions recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week. For example, fast walking. If you take a walk during your lunch break, you will achieve this minimum requirement, helping to combat the health risks associated with inactivity and obesity. You should aim for at…
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Useful tips on how to keep a man healthy

Mans health
Useful tips on how to keep a man healthySpeaking about how to preserve men's health, many people mean, first of all, the sexual activity of male representatives. Meanwhile, a lot of men's health problems are associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system and vegetative-vascular disorders. Alcohol and smoking have a considerable influence on the physical condition of men.Men's health problemsMen are more likely to suffer from coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension. Men's health problems are explained by the fact that, unlike women, they lack estrogens, which are protection against heart disease. In addition, they are more prone to stress, nervous breakdowns, smoke more and abuse alcohol. Today, medicine has ordered and systematized the main risk factors for purely male and female diseases. The question of how to keep…
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